[Kaohsiung] How we spent CNY 2023 (and yummy food at Apliu Street 鴨寮街烤鴨點心坊)

The short answer is FOOD. We ate a ton of food. The days passed by in a blur of eating, lazing around, playing mahjong, watching TV, going to Costco to buy more food… rinse and repeat. There were also a few days when we went out to eat and to sightsee. Here’s a dump of... Continue Reading →

[Taipei Eats] Cantonese food at 肥仔港式茶餐廳

T and I went to iRemit because I needed to make a remittance and the exchange rates were pretty good recently. I had planned to have lunch at Poffertjes Cafe and then have dessert (cinnamon roll) at Twin Brothers Coffee after running errands but they were both fails because the former was fully booked and... Continue Reading →

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