[Taiwan hiking diaries] Qinglong Ridge 青龍嶺 and Mt. Dadong trail 大棟山步道

We added another mountain to our hike list - Qinglong Ridge 青龍嶺 and Mt. Dadong trail 大棟山步道 in Shulin! Granted, we didn’t walk the entire route because we didn't know that we had already drove past the starting point. Oops! That's something we can do next time. Before we went to Shulin for our hike,... Continue Reading →

First hike of 2021 – Mt. Sanjiaolun 三角崙山, aka Matcha Mountain 抹茶山 (Jiaoxi, Yilan 宜蘭礁溪)

Last year, we were able to reach my goal of doing at least 3 hikes. We did Qixingshan, Jinmianshan, and Guanyinshan. In January, the weather on weekends wasn't as cooperative as it always rained so we weren't able to do any hikes. Luckily, on the first weekend of February, we finally had good weather! We... Continue Reading →

Hiking Neihu’s Jinmianshan 內湖金面山, late lunch at Woopen 木盆輕食館, and dinner at Chuan Shifu Noodles 功夫麵舖

At the start of September, we hiked another mountain - Neihu’s Jinmianshan 內湖金面山. Originally, I wanted to try a different mountain that had a harder level but my friend wanted to take it easy instead. This one’s a bit harder than Elephant Mountain because it’s steeper but overall it’s still pretty easy. It took us... Continue Reading →

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