[Taiwan hiking diaries] Bihu trail 碧湖步道, Liyu Mountain trail 鯉魚山步道, Japanese food at 金泰日本料理, dessert at Patisserie Iching 一晴甜點

If you’ve been following the news, you’d have read that there’s a spike of local cases in Taiwan.  We did this hike weeks back when there weren’t a ton of local cases yet and we were still free to go out hiking.  The last time that we went hiking with T’s colleagues was in February... Continue Reading →

[Taiwan hiking diaries] Qinglong Ridge 青龍嶺 and Mt. Dadong trail 大棟山步道

We added another mountain to our hike list - Qinglong Ridge 青龍嶺 and Mt. Dadong trail 大棟山步道 in Shulin! Granted, we didn’t walk the entire route because we didn't know that we had already drove past the starting point. Oops! That's something we can do next time. Before we went to Shulin for our hike,... Continue Reading →

Hsinchu day 3: Beipu Bald Cypress 落羽松, Beipu Old Street 北埔老街, Beipu Cold Springs 北埔冷泉, Nanliao Fishing Harbor’s 南寮漁港魚鱗天梯

On this day, we explored the Beipu area and ended the day in Nanliao. Our first agenda was Beipu Liutang Bald Cypress because I was hoping to see the orange-red fall cypress trees, but unfortunately they haven’t changed colors (maybe cos the weather's not as cold?) and are still as green as can be. That... Continue Reading →

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