[Monthly Summaries] November 2022

Looking back at my journal entries, November was an emotionally and mentally draining month for me work-wise. Personal-wise, there were 2 highlights from the month (being a homeowner and being a married woman hahaha). There were also a lot of food moments and I wanted to share a couple of them here. We were in... Continue Reading →

Weekend at The Farm at San Benito

It's been a few months since this happened but (work) life has been pretty crazy so I'm only writing about this now. When we were in the Philippines, we went to The Farm at San Benito one weekend for a little R&R (rest and relaxation). We were greeted by friendly staff who gave us a... Continue Reading →

My Seattle trip 2022

Last August, I went to the US for our company offsite. I took the opportunity to fly to Seattle for a side trip to visit my relatives. This post will basically be a photo dump with snippets of what I did and ate while I was there. Seattle Day 1 It was a bit of... Continue Reading →

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